
Health and Social Care Organization

Introduction to Changes

Changes plays major role in transforming organization present state into desired one. For the success of any health and social care organization changes is the most critical factor. This is done so that organization can provide effective services to the customers (Tates, Antheunis and Nieboer, 2013). Here, in the present report facilitating change is discussed with respect to Royal United Hospital NHS Bath Trust. Royal United Hospital NHS Bath Trust is acute hospital that is situated in the Weston suburb of Bath. The hospital offers health care services to population around Bath and nearby villages. The trust has staff of around 4800 people who are engaged in providing outpatient and diagnostic services to the local community. The aim of the hospital is to offer high quality care to the people.

The present study entails to understand the factors that drive change in health and social care services. Further it covers the evaluation of recent changes in health and social care services. Lastly the report creates brief understanding regarding the principles of change management.

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SWOT analysis

There are several key factors that drive changes in health and social care. These include PEST as well as SWOT analysis. They are internal and external factors that affect the performance of the organization like Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust (RUH) to a greater extent. With the assistance of SWOT analysis organization can determine its strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats (Grol and, 2013). They are referred to events, factors, people, systems and structures and conditions inside the business. Internal environment affects the activities of business, employee behavior as well as attitudes. These factors can be related to change in leadership or amendments in the strategy of the organization. The strengths of the care home are that it provides best support to individual so that they can get well soon. Performance can be improved through undertaking varied activities so that best services can be provided to individual. Opportunities are organization should develop its rules and regulations so that best care can be given to patients. Weaknesses are that there are various care workers that need specialized training in order to treat the patients well. The threats are that if patients are not feeling well at the care home then there family members will not be satisfied from the services of the care home.

PEST analysis includes political, economic, social and technological factors that compel Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust to bring changes within its policies and legislation. Political factors include the legislation and the policies of the regulatory body that needs to be followed by the firm in order to achieve its desired outcomes (King and, 2014). This is because it has greater influence on the structure of business, deliverance of quality services as well as practices within organization. For instance if the government has formulated policies that reflects charging overseas then Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust has to follow such, and needs to charge fees in treating overseas patients. Another factor is economic that has huge impact on the operations of the business (Gili and, 2013). This is comprised of factors like government funding, disposal income, cost of labor, poverty, inflation, recession etc. The economic growth and decline greatly affects the performance of the health and social care organization. Because of recession in the economy the ability of the people to make payment of huge amount in order to avail health care services declines (Wain, 2009). This affects the operations of Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust as they need to offer quality services at lower prices. These factors have ability to bring changes within the health care organization.

There is existence of social factors such as culture, demographics, attitude at work and discrimination that has huge impact of the activities carried out by health care firm like Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust. In some cultures there might be restriction for intake of certain kind of material. This can be a major issue for the business that compels it to bring changes. Further the workers needs to train so as to offer quality services to the different patients in an effective manner (Banaszak-Holl and, 2013). Change in the needs of the customers compels Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust to bring changes in its services. Technological factor plays key role in affecting the performance of the health and social care firm in a significant manner. With the emergence of new technology for disabled people their lives have become more independent. Thus this assists in providing less supervision by health care firm.

Key Factors Of Change

The challenges that Key Factors Of Change can bring to health and social care services can be assessed as such. The key factor such as high demand of patients, in order to meet this, changes are required within Royal United Hospital. However while implementing such the organization faces major challenges with respect to service users, organization and staff (Miller, Whoriskey and Cook, 2008). In meeting the requirement of high demand of customers, staff faces major challenge while managing the patient’s discharge and admission. Along with this with the increase in demand service users have to wait for longer period of time. Thus this is considered as major challenge to hospitality management to manage this in an effective manner. With the existence of this factor, Royal United Hospital has to consider various measures in order to enhance the satisfaction level of customers. There are numerous challenges faced by the hospital such as high requirements of patients. Therefore, in order to meet such demands it is essential for business to bring key changes in firm and for that they need to adopt varied strategies. Some of the changes are required by care home so that they can meet the requirements of service users. Also, there is challenge of availability of limited resources.

Another key factor is introduction of the new technology in health and social care organization. This includes implementation of robotic technology while carrying out surgery within the Royal United Hospital. The major challenge faced in this factor is related to creation of in-depth understanding within the employees to perform robotic surgery. Moreover it becomes difficult for the management of Royal United Hospital to provide training to the employees so that they can effectively implement the technology within the organization. The major challenge faced is in making service providers understand the benefit of adopting new technology within the hospital (Røsvik and, 2013). In order to makes employees satisfy with the introduction of new technology into premises the management faces various difficulties.
The key factor such as emergence of new disease strive Royal United Hospital to implement changes within the organization so as to deal with it in effective manner. The major challenge faced by the business is in hiring and recruiting the qualified professional that can easily handle newer diseases type with greater efficiency (Rhodes and, 2014). Moreover the hospital and the professionals face major difficulty in handling the patients suffering from such new diseases. In order to deal with it the hospital has to provide adequate training to employee which is another challenge before Royal United Hospital.

The major challenges that key factors of change bring to health and social care services in relation to limited resources. There can be various changes faced by health and social care organization to cost of hiring staff, cost of equipments and funds involved in training the personnel (Naylor and Appleby, 2013). The factors such as recession, inflation and cut down in government spending can be a major challenge in implementing mentioned changes within the organization. Another issue is in resistance from staff. In certain situation the employee face difficulty in adopting changes as they are used to perform the task in existing manner. Further Royal United Hospital is pressurized by legal authority to meet the appropriate standards. This is comprised of various new laws that CQC mount on the trust to deliver.

Strategy and Criteria

The Strategy And Criteria that are being devised for the purpose measuring recent changes in health and social care organization like Royal United Hospital is as such. Through organizational environment analysis criteria with the respect to changes can be determined by the organization (Bond and Syson, 2010). In accordance with the provided case in order to measure the changes that took place recently within the management of Royal United Hospital following criteria can be utilized. This is related to decrease in the waiting time of the patients and increase in customer satisfaction level. Through this criterion the problem regarding high demand for health care services can be resolved. Further this criterion will enable Royal United Hospital to measure the service delivery process. There are various strategies that can be used by firm such as interview, survey, feedback, rating scale etc so that they can measure the responses of services users and thus evaluate that in order to bring required changes. For instance, it is essential for care home to take responses in the form of feedback so that services can be improved of patients and they can attain satisfaction.

In the interview technique users of the heath care service can be asked personally regarding the impact of changes on the services offered to the patients. This would assist the hospital in gaining knowledge regarding the alterations that are still required within the Royal United Hospital. Another technique is survey under which structured questionnaire is developed and then such is provided to the service users and employees regarding the changes that are required within the organization (Teno and, 2013). With this hospital management can gain insight to the responses of the service users and employees in an effective manner. After implementation of the required changes the Royal United Hospital can offer feedback form to the users and employees and can know the impact of changes on the service delivery process and management within the hospital. Another major technique that can be used is rating scale under which rates can be provided on the basis of different set criteria. This helps the management in knowing the state of services. Later changes can be bought in accordance with the outcomes from the technique.

Impact Of The Recent

The Impact Of The Recent changes on health and social care services is measured in the following manner against the set criteria. It has been identified that customer satisfaction level has increased to greater extent with the implementation of changes. Further this has impact on satisfaction of the employees that are working in the premises. Moreover, there are various changes such as response time, waiting time, customer satisfaction, staff satisfaction etc all these criteria should be achieved by business in order to measure the changes in business and attain goals. Through adopting such criteria in care home and thus fulfilling the needs of individual it helps business to satisfy both employees and clients. For instance, if the service users will be satisfied from the services used it will ultimately helps the business in measuring the changes so that waiting time of patients can be reduced.

It has been indentified that which the arrangement of training sessions the improvement has been made in the skills and capabilities of the doctors to implement new technology such as robotic surgery. Moreover with this effectiveness has been ensured in the service delivery process (Grol and, 2013). With the presence of such aspect the employees of Royal United Hospital have developed the capability to deal with different kinds of operations in an effective manner. Thus it can be analyzed that recent changes have positively influences health and social care services. Moreover it has improved the work performance of the employees. With the effectiveness in the research and development it has been determined that operations within the organization has improved at greater extent. There is a greater impact of the interview and survey on the working of the business. There is greater need for department where the needs of the patients can be planned in effective manner (Fernandes and Welch, 2010). A person will be given charge of maintaining the documents of the patients. Thus this within service users can be offered with quality care that can assist providing them satisfaction.

Certain Service

Certain Service responses have been proposed by Royal United Hospital with respect to changes prevailing in the organization. By bringing changes in the organization structure and policies the waiting time of the customers can be improved. Thus with this the doctor will be able to provide timely treatment to the patients (Pbert, 2013). Moreover with the existence in the new technology the improvement has been brought in the service quality that is being delivered to customers. The quality in treatment provided to the customers has also greatly increased satisfaction level among them.

By enabling such type of approaches Royal United Hospital can enhance the efficiency of the operations theaters (Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust, 2014). With the proposed changes the satisfaction among the customers will enhance. This results in enhancement in sales and profits of the hospital. Service response due to existence of recent changes can be seen in the form of increasing demand for the services (Smith and Santy, 2014). Thus it can be reflected that positive response in relation to changes can be seen within health and social care organization like Royal United Hospital. From the case provided it has been determined that several problems are being faced by patients at Royal United Hospital. The dietary needs of the service users are not fulfilled. This results in poorer health outcome. The patients were found to be at nutritional risk. Thus it is determined that proper dietary schedules needs to be produced by the health care so that suitable nutritional value can be given to the patients. Further the record keeping of fluid is not maintained. Thus in order to resolve such issue it is important to offer training to the professionals so that they deliver quality care. Further it has been determined that there is lack of senior staff that can monitor the day to day operations of the business. In such situation the health care organization can bring changes in its structure so that appropriate services can be delivered to the service users. However, it is essential for care users to follow proper dietary needs in order to fulfill the aims and objectives. Also, it is crucial for business to resolve the problem so that nutritional value can be suggested to clients and they can enhance their health.

Change Management

Change Management is the approach through which both organization and individual can deal with the change systematically. There are certain key principles to this which are enumerated below:

Reducing Resistance

Changes are always resisted in the organization. The changes such as introduction of new technology as well as alteration in structure of hospital in order to reduce waiting time are resisted by employees (10 Principles of Change Management, 2014). Such changes can be managed within Royal United Hospital when benefits of changes are communicated to the employees. Moreover motivated has to be provided so that employees can readily accept to execute them.

Involving and communicating each level

While implementing any change it is required that organization needs to involve and communicate it to each level (Schiavo, 2013). By complying with the same changed can be easily managed within Royal United Hospital. When employees are involved in decision making then they feel motivated to execute it in effective manner.

Arranging training sessions

The management of changes can be effectively carried when training sessions are organized within organization more frequently. For the purpose of implementing robotic surgery technology it is essential for Royal United Hospital to arrange training so that it can be executed in appropriate manner (Change management, 2014). Moreover through this morale of the service provider can be enhanced.

Creating ownership:

Changes can be managed in effective manner when ownership related to change is created. In order to ensure that reduction in resistance to changes the accountability of the employees can be established. This will make them responsible. Through Kurt Lewin Model of change Royal United Hospital can implement identified changes. The model is comprised of three phase. With its assistance different types of changes can be put into practice within hospital.

Assistance Of The Criteria

With the Assistance Of The Criteria that are being specified the recent changes within Royal United Hospital can be monitored and measured effectively. For instance by contrasting the waiting time of customers before and after the execution of changes the improvement in the management with the respect to services can be identified. From the monitoring that is being carried out it is analyzed that no improvements have been recorded in the waiting time of customers (Marcinko and Hetico, 2012). Thus it can be seen that proposed changes with respect to waiting time have proven to be inefficient. Moreover by analyzing the skills of the service provide the effectiveness of the training session can be monitored (Positive Effects of Change in a Company, 2014). Further it can be examined that employees knowledge have enhanced with such plan to greater extend. Thus the execution of the new technology has resulted in increasing the satisfaction level of the customers. By measuring the satisfaction level of customers and efficiency of the business the effectiveness of changes are be monitored. Through cost benefit analysis the changes can be effectively monitored within the Royal United Hospital. In order to monitor the performance of the implemented changes the technique of feedback, interview and questionnaire can be used. This helps in determining the flaws in the actual performance (Bond and Syson, 2010). Thus later changes can be made that can bring effectiveness in the working of the firm. For instance, in order implement the proposed changes it is essential for business to adopt effective technology so that needs can be fulfilled. Feedback technique can be used in determining the responses of the service users and employees are the implementation of potential changes within the organization. In addition to this with the assistance of interview the responses of the users can be known personally. This acts as an aid in determining the satisfaction level of the patients and employees. Along with this questionnaire technique can be used to carry out survey in which particular questions are being determined and asked to patients and employees through survey. This assists in gaining knowledge regarding the responses of the respondents regarding the services of the hospital. Thus review of the actual performance can be made with the use of these techniques.

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It can be concluded from the study that there are various factors that strives the health and social care organization like Royal United Hospital to implement changes. Further in order to ensure this, changes have been made in the organization which has proved to be efficient to some extent. There are certain key principles such as reducing resistance and creating ownership etc that act as an aid for Royal United Hospital to manage changes. In addition to this the model of Kurt Lewin is effective in implementing the change management within the organization. It has been inferred from the study that it is essential to monitor propose variation after implementing them so that deviation can be analyzed and further improvement can be made.


  • Manley, K., McCormack, B. and Titchen, 2013.Practice development in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley & Sons
  • Marcinko, E. D. and Hetico, R. H., 2012. Hospitals & Health Care Organizations: Management Strategies, Operational Techniques, Tools, Templates, and Case Studies. CRC Press
  • Miller, E., Whoriskey, M. and Cook, A., 2008. Outcomes for Users and Carers in the Context of Health and Social Care Partnership Working: From Research to Practice. Journal of Integrated Care
  • Naylor, C. and Appleby, J., 2013. Environmentally sustainable health and social care: Scoping review and implications for the English NHS.Journal of Health Services Research & Policy
  • Pbert, L., 2013.The handbook of health behavior change. Springer Publishing Company

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